Resurse Umane, HR, recrutare
Joburi după dată: Toate joburile
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profil...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates moti...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează n...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
InnerSquare is a specialist recruiting firm, founded in 2011 in London. The company works with the leading management consultancies and technology firms in London and Paris, and is currently seeking a Recruitment Assistant. This is a full-time position based in Chisinau. The Role: Recruiter Assistan...
Cerințe: • Studii superioare juridice, • Experiență de minim 3-5ani întro poziție similară; • Cunostințe avansate operare PC; - Cunoasterea limbii engleze, ruse si romane • Calități personale: integritate, transparență, responsabilitate, inițiativă, creativitate, orientare către soluții și rezultate...
- Studii medii sau superioare (cursuri de specializare în secretariat va constitui un avantaj) - Vîrsta pînă la 35 ani Cunoaşterea limbilor română, rusă, (engleza va constitui un avantaj) - Experienţă în domeniu - Abilităţi de formulare a gîndurilor atît în formă scrisă, cît şi orală, într-o manieră...
Andiva recrutează oameni ambițioși și bravi, care ar activa în calitate de coordonator de proiect în cadrul companiei. Cerințe: Abilități relevante de comunicare și relaționare interpersonală; Orientare către rezultat; Credibilitate, seriozitate, proactivitate, dinamism, autodeterminare și încredere...
В крупной международной компании появились вакантные места. Условия: - Официальное оформление - оплата через банк Обязанности: - размещение объявлений; - составление отчета по проделанной работе. Требования: - грамотная речь; - ответственность; - быстрая обучаемость; - продвинутый пользователь ПК; -...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
We are looking to expand our recruitment department by teaming-up with a dynamic, enthusiastic, experienced and professional person. It’s a challenging job that will give you the context to grow, to express your ideas, to innovate and improve processes and to accomplish great results. As a team, we ...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: • Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании • Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами • Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективны...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profil...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates moti...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează n...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profil...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates moti...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează n...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
В крупную косметическую компанию нужен менеджер по персоналу. Тpeбoвaния:нaцeлeннocть нa рeзультaт, кoммуникaбeльнocть,жeлaниe pacти и paзвиваться,лидepcкие кaчecтвa,всeгда быть нa cвязи. Oбязaнноcти: - пoиcк сoтрудникoв,oбучeниe и рaзвитиe сoтрудникoв,выпoлнeниe кaмпaний и дoстижeниe нoвыx рeзультa...
Responsabilități: - Recrutarea și selectarea resurselor umane; - Dezvoltarea, instruirea și atestarea personalului; - Motivarea și evaluarea performanțelor personalului; - Elaborarea, implimentarea și controlul respectării tuturor reglementărilor și procedurilor; - Menținerea politicii de personal, ...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
Знание : -кадры -делопроизводство -word,excel -русский,государственный яз.
Experiență în domeniu ,acuratețe în lucru cu documentele, punctualitate, responsabilitate.
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profil...
HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: HR Менеджер О КОМПАНИИ: Производственная компания ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: • Эффективно управлять кадровым ресурсом компании • Обеспечение производства необходимыми кадрами • Поиск кандидатов с использованием самых эффективны...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează n...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates moti...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
(International company) Working conditions: - Employee benefits package - Professional development (trainings) - Mentoring, couching - Compensation for mobile expenses - Business trips Job responsibilities: - Developing and owning the end-to-end employee lifecycle workflow related to recruiting, hir...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: HR manager Main responsibilities: • Identifying the profiles of successful employees of the company, and developing a talent-based recruitment strategy according to profil...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the HR Generalist Company Overview: International retail company with over 27 stores located in Moldova. HR Generalist Position overview:...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter. Junior Recruiter • Identified client’s needs and provided solution to fulfil client’s requirements • Active search of candidates • Conducting phone screens and interviews • Define candidates moti...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: HR Manager / Trainer Compania: Rețea locală de restaurant HR Manager / Trainer RESPONSABILITATI: - Respectă politica și cultura corporativa din Companie; - Colectează n...
Требуется менеджер в крупной компании: Обязанности: подбор персонала; Контроль и координация проектов подбора; Оптимизация и стандартизация процесса рекрутмента; Адаптация и обучения сотрудников Управление персоналом Требования: - знание ПК (Word, Интернет, почта, Skype) - самоорганизованность обуча...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Recruiter in Moldova Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 50...
Инспектора отдела кадров Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хранения трудовых книжек; • У...
Инспектора отдела кадров Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хранения трудовых книжек; • У...
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