Resurse Umane, HR, recrutare
Joburi după dată: Toate joburile
SRL MOLDPRESA anunţă concurs pentru suplinirea postului vacant de SPECIALIST RESURSE UMANE CANDIDATUL IDEAL: • Studii superioare de profil; • Experienţă minim 3 ani în domeniu; • Posedarea limbilor română, rusă; • Foarte bune cunoştinţe de operare PC; • Cunoştinţe relevante ale Codului Muncii; • Foa...
Căutăm Manager Resurse Umane pentru suplinirea postului vacant. Responsabilități: • Organizarea întregului proces de angajare și eliberare a personalului; • Perfectarea corectă a documentaţiei referitoare la lucrul cu personalul; • Respectarea strictă a legislaţiei muncii şi altor acte normative ce ...
Compania NIROM-ROZ SRL ce activeaza in domeniul constructiei drumurilor in or.Calarasi angajeaza: Manager resurse umane: Responsabilitati: -Documentarea cadrelor, angajare, demitere, etc; -Actualizarea bazei de date; -Evidenta orelor lucrate; -Calcularea salariilor, elaborarea darilor de seama, etc ...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
SRL MOLDPRESA anunţă concurs pentru suplinirea postului vacant de SPECIALIST RESURSE UMANE CANDIDATUL IDEAL: • Studii superioare de profil; • Experienţă minim 3 ani în domeniu; • Posedarea limbilor română, rusă; • Foarte bune cunoştinţe de operare PC; • Cunoştinţe relevante ale Codului Muncii; • Foa...
Căutăm Specialist serviciu personal pentru suplinirea postului vacant. Responsabilități: • Organizarea întregului proces de angajare și eliberare a personalului; • Perfectarea corectă a documentaţiei referitoare la lucrul cu personalul; • Respectarea strictă a legislaţiei muncii şi altor acte normat...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: SPECIALIST IN RESURSE UMANE (RAIONUL ANENII-NOI) COMPANIA: Companie străină de producere cu sediul in r-ul Anenii Noi Responsabilități principale: • Planifica, organizeaza...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
SRL MOLDPRESA anunţă concurs pentru suplinirea postului vacant de SPECIALIST RESURSE UMANE CANDIDATUL IDEAL: • Studii superioare de profil; • Experienţă minim 3 ani în domeniu; • Posedarea limbilor română, rusă; • Foarte bune cunoştinţe de operare PC; • Cunoştinţe relevante ale Codului Muncii; • Foa...
HR-менеджер Требования к кандидатам: • Высшее образование (в области психологии, либо социологии) • Опыт работы в данной позиции от 1 года (желательно в IT-компании) • Опыт закрытия вакансий с помощью прямого поиска (в т.ч. headhunting) ОБЯЗАТЕЛЕН • Безупречное владение государственным и русским язы...
HR-менеджер Требования к кандидатам: • Высшее образование (в области психологии, либо социологии) • Опыт работы в данной позиции от 1 года (желательно в IT-компании) • Опыт закрытия вакансий с помощью прямого поиска (в т.ч. headhunting) ОБЯЗАТЕЛЕН • Безупречное владение государственным и русским язы...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: SPECIALIST IN RESURSE UMANE (RAIONUL ANENII-NOI) COMPANIA: Companie străină de producere cu sediul in r-ul Anenii Noi Responsabilități principale: • Planifica, organizeaza...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: SPECIALIST IN RESURSE UMANE (RAIONUL ANENII-NOI) COMPANIA: Companie străină de producere cu sediul in r-ul Anenii Noi Responsabilități principale: • Planifica, organizeaza...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Инспектор отдела кадров Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хранения трудовых книжек; • Уч...
Менеджер по поиску и подбору персонала Обязанности: • Организация и проведение подбора персонала необходимой квалификации для подразделений компании; • Составление профилей должностей; • Размещение объявлений о вакансиях на специализированных сайтах поиска работы и СМИ; • Отбор резюме кандидатов; • ...
-Наличие реализованных проектов по внедрению программ управления персоналом; -опыт внедрения и проведения системы оценки персонала, мотивации, адаптационных программ; -владение ПК (MS Office), Internet -Полная занятость; -социальный пакет
Менеджер по поиску и подбору персонала Обязанности: • Организация и проведение подбора персонала необходимой квалификации для подразделений компании; • Составление профилей должностей; • Размещение объявлений о вакансиях на специализированных сайтах поиска работы и СМИ; • Отбор резюме кандидатов; • ...
Внимание! Открыта вакансия ИНСПЕКТОР ОТДЕЛА КАДРОВ Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хра...
Specialist Resurse Umane Responsabilități principale: - evidenta cadrelor; - - recrutare a personalului; - elaborarea strategiilor de recrutare, motivare a personalului; Cerințe față de candidat: - studii superioare; - experiența de un an în domeniul resurselor umane și buna cunoaștere a legislației...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: SPECIALIST IN RESURSE UMANE (RAIONUL ANENII-NOI) COMPANIA: Companie străină de producere cu sediul in r-ul Anenii Noi Responsabilități principale: • Planifica, organizeaza...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Менеджер по поиску и подбору персонала Обязанности: • Организация и проведение подбора персонала необходимой квалификации для подразделений компании; • Составление профилей должностей; • Размещение объявлений о вакансиях на специализированных сайтах поиска работы и СМИ; • Отбор резюме кандидатов; • ...
Директор по развитию Основные обязанности: • Осуществление исследований производственных и коммерческих процессов на предприятии; • Выявление негативных и перспективных процессов на предприятии; • Определение концепции развития предприятия, планирование процессов и реализация их на практике; • Реали...
Инспектор отдела кадров Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хранения трудовых книжек; • Уч...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Менеджер/специалист 1. Управления процессами. Развитие и управление процессами, анализ процессов, операционные системы, системы управления, включительно управления качеством, автоматизация процессов o Знания Правила и стандарты процессного проектирования и построения процессов Построение карт пр...
Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Specialist in Resurse Umane (raionul Anenii-Noi) COMPANIA: Companie străină de producere cu sediul in r-ul Anenii Noi Responsabilități principale: • Planifica, organizeaza...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
Инспектор отдела кадров Основные обязанности: • Ведение кадрового делопроизводства; • Ведение табелей учета рабочего времени; • Взаимодействие c фондом медицинского страхования; • Оформление сотрудникам справок о трудовой деятельности; • Организация учета, оформления и хранения трудовых книжек; • Уч...
Менеджер по поиску и подбору персонала Обязанности: • Организация и проведение подбора персонала необходимой квалификации для подразделений компании; • Составление профилей должностей; • Размещение объявлений о вакансиях на специализированных сайтах поиска работы и СМИ; • Отбор резюме кандидатов; • ...
Specialist Resurse Umane Responsabilități principale: - ducerea evidentei documentare a personalului, tot ce tine de aceasta activitate, contracte individuale de munca, ordine, acorduri aditionale, premise de munca tinerea registrelor, politele medicale, CNAS, s.a. Cerințe față de candidat: - studii...
Responsabilități principale: - recrutare a personalului; - elaborarea strategiilor de recrutare, motivare a personalului; Cerințe față de candidat: - studii superioare; - experiența in recrutare cel putin un an; - cunostințe privind utilizarea PC: MS Office Beneficii: - Lucru într-un colectiv tînar ...
HR-Consulting ( is looking for candidates to fill the position of Junior Recruiter About the company: HR-Consulting, a recruitment firm. 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: About the candidate: Your previous experie...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
HR-Consulting is a recruitment firm with more than 19 years in business. You may find more information at our corporate web-site: Our client, an international, family – oriented business group which produces technically advanced high- quality wires and harnesses for automotive f...
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